Problems ALWAYS seem to generate “seeking” of “new hermeneutics’  - in order to achieve “union” (not bible unity). Have always been problems with people not wanting to follow God’s word - why think it will change now?  If throw out the standard - still do not have ‘unity’ - only lawlessness and anarchy. Read the last part of Judges - everyone did that which was right in his own eyes.  So WHAT becomes the standard?

A.    Majority rule & democratic society?? -

B.    Creeds by ‘professional’ religious teachers ????


1.    Are specific patterns for the collective worship, work, and organization of the curch set forth in the NT?

2.    If so, how are we taught these patterns?

3.    What shall be the response of Christians when the NT is silent?




A.    Three great principles - before we even begin this section.

1.    Jesus - all authority,  Mtt. 28:18;  Col. 3:17;  etc.

2.    Scripture - the revelation from God - Eph. 3:1-5; 1 Cor. 14:37;  1 Cor. 2:6-13; 1 Thess. 2:13

3.    Scripture - furnish ‘complete’ - 2 Tim. 3:15-17; 2 Pet. 1:3;  1 Pet. 4:11;

a.     denial of this = catholicism and ‘extra’ revelations, continues with each new sect….

B.    1st century churches not able to ‘understand’ as WE do???  Had apostles.  Had apostles teaching  Apostles spoke by inspration! That was NOT different from what they WROTE. Understood the same way we do from their written word -  Dir. Statement,  Example,  & Nec. Inf.

C.    Christ = the head of the church -  Eph. 1:22-23, Col. 1:18-19.  The ambassadors of Jesus - authority to reveal what was bound and losed,  Mtt. 16:19;  18:18;  They were guided into ALL truth - John 14:26, 16:2-27; 16:13.

1.    Is ‘Christ the only pattern”??  NO - are to follow His WORDS - that which was revealed by his chosen apostles -  John 12:48;  To hear Christ is to hear his messengers -  Luke 10:16, also Matt. 10:40, John 13:20.

D.    Pattern - all that God has said on any subject become our ‘guide’




A.    Not make this up - though recently accussed of such - called a ‘man made tradition’. Believe that this is not only firmly embedded in everything that we do - but is shown from God’s word.  Same as a child learning from parents or teachers -  same as how any rational person determines authority from superiors. Is also taught in the word of God.


B.    Direct Statements

1.    Commandments of Jesus -  John 14:15,  21

2.    ‘hermeneutic’ - accept His word,  that is the ‘rule’ or ‘standard’ -  John 12:48.

3.    His mother’s statement -  John 2:5

4.    1 John 2:3-4,  3:22,  5:3

5.    Such authority in commandments extends to the apostles / prophets teaching -

a.     1 Cor. 14:37 -

b.    2 Pet. 3:1-2

c.     2 John  and Diotrephes -



C.    Divinely approved examples:

1.    Do as Christ did - then teach ‘examples not an authority’ ????? 

2.    At least have to admit that He is our great example -  1 Pet. 2:21,  1 John 2:6;  John 13:15

3.    Phil. 3:17;  

4.    Phil. 4:9

5.    1 Cor. 4:16 - qualified in 1 Cor. 11:1

6.    While recognize some difficult areas of application in this - cannot DENY that such provides us with authority to act.


D.   Forced conclusions or necessary inferences.

1.    ‘implication’ - that which is implied and necessarily so.  We ‘infer’ from such that it is right. Found helpful for me to think of as ‘forced conclusions’.

2.    All that is needed to fulfill a command is included in the command. 

3.    Jesus illustrated such thinking -  Matt. 22:23-33

4.    Peter used such in the acceptance of the gentiles - Acts 10:9-16;  11:15-18.